Tag Archives: harjirealtors Estate & House Agent Mohali

Guidelines to Choose a Green Energy Contractor

Today, building a home needs lots of investment to make a unique quality of custom built home. A home owner is available with different home building options so choosing the best option will enhance your living standards. With advancement of technologies, today people are constructing green homes which are safer and comfortable to live in. a reliable custom contractor always choose those things which suits client’s budget. So, hiring a green builder can make your task easy and convenient. There are various guidelines for choosing a green builder some of them are explained below:


Adequate knowledge is compulsory:

The green builders should have knowledge about current environmental building trends so that he can advice you with appropriate deigns and structure. With knowledge and skills he can review the construction material carefully and thus help in improving the quality of living. Even they can make you aware of the positive impacts of green buildings which are not known by the owners.


Get reviews and feedback about the builder:

Before selecting, research online or take references from your family and friends who are related to this filed. For more information you can contact their previous clients so that you can review their work and conclude whether they match your needs and requirements or not. You can also check feedback given on their official website by different customers so that you can ensure yourself that his services are worth your investment or not.  Moreover, you can check his reputation by consulting about them in the market.


Well aware of green renovation trends:

When you are thinking to renovate your house, green builders should have different ideas that can help in lowering the utility bills, reducing maintenance costs and thus they can save maximum amount of money. In addition they should know about the current incentives and loan programs offered by the government for those who are making green buildings. They should know about the energy audit so that they can do it before renovation so that they can figure out those areas which are insufficient or unfriendly.


Should have all licenses:

With increasing demand many agencies are providing you these services but it is very necessary that the contractor you choose should have all the permits issued by the government so that he can work at any location. Along with this he should be well equipped with all the tools needed at construction or renovating sites this will make more easily and effortlessly.


Should provide services at cost effective way:

Being in this profession, they must have gained the experience of calculating the rough estimate needed to buy products, labor costs and will estimate the time needed. So, by comparing services of different clients you can choose the best reliable company which is providing you these services at affordable prices.

Before hiring any service, make sure you read all the clauses of their agreement so that you don’t have to face any trouble later in the future.  Moreover, the agreement should have all the relevant information like date of completion or payment schedule. As a result, you can find a reliable and trustworthy builder who can provide best of his services and can make perfect dream house which will improve quality of inhabitants.


Owing to our years of experience and wide network of contacts, we have become a preferred choice when it comes to receiving service from trusted harjirealtors Estate & House Agent Mohali. Prospective real estate investors can check our website harjirealtors.com/House-Villa-Estate-Agents-Mohali.php to know about our services.

How can you Create a Great Impression on a Potential Buyer

Selling a property is an important aspect in real estate because there are fewer buyers as compared to sellers in real estate industry. There is a great power of first impression as it can influence the decision of the buyers thus it have the tendency to make up their minds in few seconds after visiting the site location. With increasing competition, you need to stay ahead and sell the property at lucrative prices. As real estate industry is always at a stake of risks the prices can anytime drop to a great level which ultimately decreases the price of your property so it is necessary that whenever you have to sell you can sell it rapidly before any fall in value. Here are some ways to create best impression on interested clients and can get maximum responses.


Improving the curb appeal of your residence:

It is the most important factor when it comes to selling because exterior look binds the customer and makes him curious to see the interiors. To make the curb impressive there are many simple ways such as,

  • Entrance of a house always matters so make sure when the visitors are visiting the place you clean the sidewalks which will give appealing look to your house.
  • Repair the fence and make it align in proper condition so that it does not become an eye sore to the buyer.
  • Remove all the unwanted weeds from the lawn and instead grow seasonal flowers which will give aesthetic look and creates a soothing effect in the atmosphere.


Do minor fixtures and renovations:

Fixing the door or window handles will play a vital in making up the mind of a potential buyer this is because it given them sense of security. Even you can put clean door mats which will make the home look presentable.


Painting the house:

It is effective way to enhance the vision of potential buyers. With the use of neutral colors it will make the house look bigger and spacious. Upon entering the house buyers will feel more warm and cozy and thus it will make the home more welcoming for them

In addition you can use fresh flowers at the entrance of the house this will give a sweet fragrance in all the rooms. Along with this you can rearrange the furniture and clear all the clutter that will also help the investors in getting the ideal look of the house. Different people have different choices so always make a neutral choice so that it leaves positive impression on every inhabitant. As everyone wants the best deal as they are making huge investments that is why do not overdue anything just make it simple in order to get maximum profits. Along with this you can advertise your property in an impressive way so that buyers get fascinated with listings so much that they can’t resist visiting your place.  The first impression will give you the amount you asked for and you will get best returns from your property without any bargain.

Serving as a trusted harjirealtors Estate & House Agent Mohali we are the professionals you can count on to make your real estate investment. Ranging from commercial plots to residential plots and apartments to villas, we provide plentiful options. Visit harjirealtors.com/House-Villa-Estate-Agents-Mohali.php for detailed information.

Tips and Tricks for First Time Buyers in Realty Sector

Buying a possession for the first time looks daunting beforehand but can be exciting if done with correct procedure. There can be different reasons of buying a property like some investors want to gain profits later in the future by giving on rent or by reselling it and some buy a for fulfilling their home ownership goals. Listed below are some considerations made, one should check out before buying like,

  • Type of house that suits your requirements:

While purchasing a residential property, you must check whether you have long term goals or short term goals so that you can judge how home ownership fits in those plans. With increasing demand, there are many options available in realty sector like duplexes, single storey buildings, villas and many more that too at affordable price range. You must pick the house which fulfills the future terms as well because it is one time investment person make with his hard earned money.

  • Flexible features in ideal homes:

Being one of the biggest purchases of your life, everything should be perfect so that clients do not feel issues later in the future. Your list must consider size, neighborhood, details of bathroom and kitchen and many more; this way you can choose one of the most reliable options in quick turnaround time.

There are various benefits after applying loan to the first time home buyers like they receive various kinds of tax deductions.

  • Property Tax deductions:

These are only available for state and local property taxes based on the value of your home. This is the amount deducted from the total amount paid on the value of your home. In addition, the houses which have solar panels, geothermal heat systems or wind turbines thus such landlords can receive a huge amount of tax credits on the total cost.

  • Involve size up state programs:

In many states, government offers the first time buyers with down payment assistance but only to those who qualify the conditions of the programs. The eligibility criteria are based on the income and also on the limits on how expensive a property can be purchased.

Before you step into this line, you must review your financial health and compare the benefits of acquiring a home loan. For applying mortgage, you must meet different lenders and check out what rates they are providing so as to make a fruitful choice. Apart from this, you must hire a realtor who can give you assistance at every step. Moreover, they can negotiate well with the sellers on your behalf. Additionally, they are known with home inspectors, insurance agents, plumbers, electricians and many more that are able to get in depth and can tell you whether the property suits your conditions or not. They are always updated with the new listings therefore they can guide you at the time of closing costs, moving expenses and immediate repairs. This way, you will feel happy and satisfied during the home buying experience and enjoy living with utmost comfort.

Serving as a trusted harjirealtors Estate & House Agent Mohali we are the professionals you can count on to make your real estate investment. Ranging from commercial plots to residential plots and apartments to villas, we provide plentiful options. Visit harjirealtors.com/House-Villa-Estate-Agents-Mohali.php for detailed information.